GET OFF THE FENCE Workshop With Dr. Lissa Rankin

When:Thursday April 14, 2011
Where:In Good Company
16 West 23Rd Street
Manhattan, NY 10010
Cost:Free w. Rsvp @
Have you ever let fear and self-doubt hold you back from quitting a job you hate, launching a
new business, starting a creative project, or finding your soulmate? Do you buy into your own limiting beliefs and engage in self-sabotaging behaviors that thwart your success?  Do you procrastinate, dwell in past regrets, or otherwise prevent yourself from achieving your goals?
MD entrepreneur, founder of, coach, author, and professional artist Dr. Lissa Rankin used to do the same thing before leaving her medical practice and launching into a whole new life.  With more than 65,000 Twitter followers, Lissa was selected by Forbes  as one of the 20 inspiring women to follow on Twitter.
Now, she helps others overcome fear, release limiting beliefs, and eliminate the false obstacles so many of us erect.

About Danielle Clarke