Time:6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Where:Chelsea Recreation Center
430 West 25th Street
Manhattan, NY
Cost:Free w/RSVP
The Arts, Culture and Fun Series at Manhattan Recreation is pleased to partner with ITVS Community Cinema from San Francisco and the Independent Lens series of PBS to bring powerful documentaries into our recreation centers. Join them for a first look at these films before their national debut on PBS.
After each screening, audience members will have the opportunity to participate in facilitated discussions/conversations about each film with a special guest speaker. RSVP either by phone 212-408-0296 or email at artsculturefun@parks.nyc.gov .
The first film in this series is The Eyes of Me by Keith Maitland.
How do you see yourself, when you can’t see at all? At the Texas school for the Blind students juggle all the usual pressures of high school along with the added struggles of growing up blind. Spend a dynamic year with four blind teens learning how to fit in and live independently. Forced to confront the world without sight, they share their inner-visions of the outer.