TV PARTY!: Arrested Development (Best of Season 1)

When:Monday September 13, 2010
Time:8:00 pm
Where:Knitting Factory Brooklyn Front Bar
361 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn , NY 11211

From Knitting Factory:

Why stay at home and watch tv, when you can go to the Knitting Factory for a TV Party? September is Arrested Development month, and in celebration we are opening the Knitting Factory Banana Stand! Free frozen bananas (w/ chocolate and nuts) on sticks, just like the Bluth’s…while supplies last! Eat em while we watch the greatest episodes from each season.

During the series you can expect some live A.D-themed fun, like: The Nevernudes, an Arrested Development band. And live magic tricks gone wrong in honor of everyone’s favorite illusionist, Gob! And DJ Fangbat will spin A.D related tracks!

Sept. 13th, 8pm- Arrested Development, best of Season 1
Sept. 20th, 8pm- Arrested Development, best of Season 2
Sept. 27th, 8pm- Arrested Development, best of Season 3

TV is so much better with a group of like-minded friends. Especially when you’re a super-fan. So, from now on Monday is officially a TV Party at the Knitting Factory. TV geeks unite!

About Danielle Clarke