KING CON COMIC AND ANIMATION FEST:The Act-i-vate Experience Documentary


When:Friday November 6, 2009
Where:Brooklyn Lyceum + Cafe
227 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Brooklyn, New York has long been home to some of the Comic medium’s greatest talent, yet the borough has never had a comic convention to call its own. That is all about to change. This weekend, November 7th and 8th, 2009, the Brooklyn Lyceum will host KingCon: A Brooklyn Comic and Animation Convention. Featuring dozens of the borough’s most talented independent artists, writers, animators and publishers, KingCon will include exhibitors, vendors, panelists and signers. Some featured guests will be Act-I-Vate’s Dean Haspiel, Northlanders’ Brian Wood, celebrated illustrator Molly Crabapple and many others are being added. KingCon will also boast a host of contests and activities, and offer attendees the opportunity to interact with celebrities from the world of comics, film, television and sports.

 Tonight there will be a Free screening of The Act-i-vate Experience documentary. Act-i-vate screens their film and will be selling and signing the newly published The Act-i-vate Primer. You can check out their work on their website.

About Danielle Clarke