Watch the drama unfold during the TEEN MOM: Young & Pregnant Reunion! Onset Productions is casting audience members to attend the “Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant” Reunion, taping in New York City. You will NOT know ahead of time which cast members you will see during the show. You MUST be 18 years old or older to attend.
Ashley, Brianna, Jade, Kayla, and Lexi are five young women navigating the complexity of pregnancy and becoming young mothers. We have FREE TICKETS to be in the audience for the Teen Mom Young and Pregnant Reunion in New York City. If selected, you will receive 2 FREE tickets to attend this show.
YOU MUST LIVE LOCALLY TO NYC TO ATTEND. MTV or OnSet Productions are not responsible, nor will we reimburse, any travel expenses to and from this show.
Tickets are free and available exclusively to our members, but space is limited so hurry and apply for your ticket. This is a casted audience. You must be 18 years old or older to attend this show. After your ticket request is submitted, some members, NOT ALL, will receive an E-Ticket via email prior to the show. Check your email 2-3 days before the show to see if your request for tickets was accepted. Not a member yet? Sign up today, it’s easy and it’s free. You must be a member to apply for tickets to this or any of our shows.
When: Saturday, April 21, 2018
Time: 9:00 AM & 2:15 PM
Where: New York City
Cost: Free Tickets