Ortine Movie Night: Ratatouille

When:Thursday, September 2, 2010
622 Washington Ave
between Dean and Pacific
Brooklyn, NY

Kings County Cinema Society:

September is animation month at Ortine movie Night with KCCS. This new animated greats from around the globe: Ratatouille, Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis; Rene Laloux’s Fantastic Planet; Satoshi Kon’s Paprika.

This Thursday: Pixar’s Ratatouille (2007, 111min), Brad Bird and Jan Pinkava’s tale of a rat from the French countryside with grand culinary ambitions, one of the very best and perhaps the most visually stunning of the Pixar oeuvre. Charming, but with some of the harshest and slyest digs at critical elites of any recent film.

About Danielle Clarke