Pretty Things: The Last Generation of American Burlesque Queens Launch Party

When:Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Where:PowerHouse Arena
37 Main Street
Brooklyn, NY
Cost:Free w. RSVP to

The powerHouse Arena presents the Paperback Launch Party for Liz Goldwyn’s Pretty Things: The Last Generation of American Burlesque Queens on Wednesday, December 8th.  Goldywn will have a reading a signing of her book on the glitter and glamour of American’s burlesque greatest generation.

Pretty Things introduces readers to legendary burlesque icons including:

* Betty “Ball of Fire” Rowland, who was known for her flaming red hair and bump-and-grind routines. (It turns out she once sued the author’s grandfather, Samuel Goldwyn Jr., for using her stage name and costume in his Hollywood picture, Ball of Fire.)
* Sherry Britton, who, with her long black hair and curvy, trim physique, was among the most stunning of the burlesque stars before Mayor LaGuardia outlawed burlesque in New York.
* Zorita, whose sexually explicit “Consummation of the Wedding of the Snake” dance (performed with a live snake) and other daring performances earned her legendary status.

About Danielle Clarke