When:Friday August 14, 2009
Where:88 Palace
88 East Broadway
2nd Floor…the Dim Sum restaurant
Cost:$10 / $7 with RSVP

Not sure why you would need any other reason to come to this…but if you still aren’t convinced:

FLASHING LIGHTS is the neon brainchild of some of the city’s most beloved selectors: DJ AYRES, NICK CATCHDUBS and JUBILEE.

Flashing Lights was born to fill the void with HOUSE+DISCO+TECHNO+RAVE. No hype, just tunes! As the New Yorker says, “Remember: the event is actually for dancers, rather than for people who need to text each other in public.”

For the next FLASHING LIGHTS we return to 88 Palace — the dim sum restaurant on the 2nd floor of a Minimall under the Manhattan Bridge.

We’re proud to present the NYC debut of Mad Decent’s amphibian party anarchists TOADALLY KROSSED OUT. We’re also hosting a tag team set by JUBILEE + UDACHI, who are celebrating the release of their hot single “Paypur / Smoke Rings” as well as Jess’ birthday. Epic? Epic is an understatement.

Cop the FREE MIX here!!

About Danielle Clarke